One of the most important things we have, for ourselves and to share, is Time.  Which means the effectiveness with which we manage our Time becomes increasingly important as we expand our lives and manage multiple relationships, priorities and life goals.  So how do successful leaders manage to do it all – at work and at home?

The thing to remember is that our big goals and dreams are long-term, so we can take bite-size steps and know we can take our time to enjoy the process.

Here are a few skills and ways of managing time to consider as you move forward.

1) Working According to your Vision and Values

Make choices of how to spend your time based on your life vision and values.  Find ways to be intentional about your decisions.  What happens, necessarily, is that less important things drop off the map.

2) Aligned Goal-Setting

Create realistic, measurable goals that are aligned with your Vision.  Ensure that they are achievable.  Taking action will create a natural momentum.  Set yourself up for the success you desire.  Plan it!

3) Time Awareness

Be aware of the time – the time available to you, your sense of timing to complete tasks, your ability to be on time for appointments and scheduled events.   These will give you greater insight into how you value your time.  Remember, all we have is our word and our time at the end of the day.

4) Create Healthy Boundaries

It is hard to tell your friends and families “no”, and to not fill social obligations.  However, it might be time to build that skill when you are on to bigger things.  Of course, you won’t be disconnecting from important relationships, just understand that sometimes it is okay to say “no.”

5) Prioritize the To-Do List

Prioritizing involves the skills of choosing and deciding what tasks and activities to do when and in what order.  It is incredibly helpful to break your bigger goals into actionable items on your task list and prioritize items that are “must dos” vs “would be nice to do” today.

6) Staying on Track

Now that you’ve started working on aligned goals, and created healthy boundaries, it is important to stay on track.  Find ways to remind yourself why this is important, find a support system (people, notes, etc).  Pay attention to how people around you are inspired by everything you’ve started to accomplish, surround yourself with motivated leaders.

7) Managing External Distractions

Effectiveness in handling external distractions with respect to time.  This includes managing clutter, handling interruptions, managing mail, phone calls, and email, and being distracted by people, pets, chores, activities, stuff, surroundings, other tasks, etc.

8) Managing Internal Challenges

Effectiveness in handling internal challenges such as resistance, boredom, procrastination, or a drive for perfection.  Put strategies in place to help you get bogged down by your internal challenges.

9) Delegating

I know you can do it all yourself. Or want to. And it’s hard to ask for help. But the ability to delegate tasks to others and to ask for help or assistance when needed is an important leadership skill and the only way to keep expanding your life in the way you dream of.

10) Letting Go

Knowing when it is time and is appropriate to drop a goal or task either temporarily or permanently.

The good news is that if you are finding yourself running out of time, it implies that you are on to some big things – so congratulations for taking on more than what seems possible, and now you can make sure it all fits!