I love what you’re website says, but not sure if Coaching is for Me?

Coaching is for everyone! Whether you are a CEO, a stay at home Mom, working 9 – 5 and especially a Mid-Level Manager – coaching is time dedicated for JUST FOR YOU and directed to support you become more effective, productive and a greater leader. Whether you are a new Manager or have a team of a 100, continuing to work on sharing you vision, powerful communication and influencing skills can elevate and empower you to the next level. Professional Coaching is designed to create your memorable brand and executive presence.

Various surveys of coaching clients conducted by the International Coach Federation (ICF, https://www.coachfederation.org/) have found that people seek out life coaches to help with several core issues (ICF 1998, ICF 2004, ICF 2009)

  • Self confidence, time management and work/life balance are strong motivators for seeking coaching.
  • Career opportunities, business management and work performance are also core motivators.
  • Improving relationships, interpersonal and communication skills, and family dynamics are the resions people seek out coaching.
  • Physical fitness and wellness are also areas clients consult with life coaches.

Mid-Level Managers benefit from Coaching as a tool for Leadership and Personal Growth to exceed expectations at work and at home.

What Focus Areas are covered at Leena Roy Coaching Services? Can I customize?

The following key areas are covered with the Leadership & Lifestyle Coaching.  All packages and focus areas may be combined to create a Custom package. See the Services page for additional details.

  • Dynamic Communication & Conflict-Management
  • Team-Building and Influencing
  • Executive Presence & Confidence-Building
  • Time-Management & Strategic Decision-Making
  • Work-Life Balance & Change Management
  • Career and Life Purpose
  • Relationship, Dating & Family


What is Professional Coaching?

  • Coaching is an extraordinary and unique relationship between the Coach and the Client designed to create a significant impact and sustainable results in all areas of the client’s life.
  • Coaching offers the client a safe and accepting space to explore limiting thoughts, resistance and values with the opportunity to create powerful breakthroughs in any area of their life.
  • To experts the opportunity to experience career fulfillment as well as financial security.

Is Coaching like Consulting or Counseling?

No… Coaching offers a distinct advantage over business consulting. 
Business consultants typically use their specific knowledge and prescribe a course of action to achieve an objective. They TELL the client what needs to be done and they may even do the work that’s required.
While consulting is about the consultant delivering the right answers, coaching is about asking the right questions, while empowering clients to create their own customized and personal solutions and become the drivers of their own success. Through improved communication, focus, and accountability, coaching dramatically increases a client’s capacity to accomplish better results on their own. Coaching does not deliver a single solution – it increases the client’s own ability to repeatedly develop solutions of their own.
Coaching is also not counseling.
Counseling aims to heal mental and psychological issues and often examines PAST events. It usually centers on diagnosing a “concern” that needs to be addressed. Coaching involves no such diagnosis. Coaches shifts away from the past into the NOW.
Coaching is results-oriented, maintaining a focus on the current situation and actively developing plans to move the client FORWARD. Counseling focuses on helping people to live functional lives. Coaching focuses on helping functional people live extraordinary lives.

Do you provide Corporate Services?

Yes! with over 15 years of corporate experience, I am proud to offer in-house corporate sessions for individuals or team workshops geared to enhance employee engagement!

How can I get started?

Someone is always available to discuss how we can best fit your needs and support you.

Check out my training programs under and if you want some spiritual and professional guidance along the way, please sign up for all the free gifts waiting for you – videos, blogs, webinars and more.
These are a must have for anyone looking to enhance the quality of their life immediately.
When I have new programs or events, my subscribers are the first to know so be sure to sign up!


If we haven’t answered all your questions, just tell us what’s on your mind! We look forward to hearing from you.

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