Want more money? Whether the answer is a “Heck YES” or a “Sure, why not?” – I think we can all agree that money matters. Regardless of our “who” and “what”, feelings of security and abundance tend to be closely tied to our financial situation. And yet, how often do we treat money as a stranger, or worse — something we hate?
Most of us avoid actually thinking about money. We throw it away, often more than we have, or simply lock it up and ignore it. If money were a child, we would certainly end up on the Social Services watch list! Then we wonder why money doesn’t seem to be on our side. So how would money treat us differently, if we treated our money relationship with more mindfulness?
1) It’s a marriage, not a date
Start thinking about money as the REAL DEAL. It’s not here today, gone tomorrow. So when you have things you need or want, think it over carefully; because when you consider the long-term, every penny starts to count! Like in any good relationship, security starts with your state of mind.
2) Prioritize it
Just like any important relationship, your money needs to be nurtured. Give your money daily attention, even if it’s a quick check-in. There are so many convenient ways to accomplish this, with easy online access and a host of mobile apps. Or, make it come to YOU by setting up alerts and email notifications. Prioritizing means consistently paying attention to where you spend. Just like you would with your partner or child!
3) Appreciate it
You may have future goals to work towards, but celebrate what has been accomplished. Feeling grateful generates positive energy, allowing you to create more money! Find a daily reminder to say thank you – for example, start a dollar jar and put a dollar in it every day as a token of appreciation. This is an easy action step AND an easy saving!
4) Keep your friends close, your enemies closer
Keep your sights on your “debt enemies”. Credit cards and loans are GREAT TOOLS but only when well managed. Limit the number of “debt enemies,” cap the total debt amount and make time to meet with a professional coach or financial planner to understand the true cost of your debt and how to start chipping away. We are all vulnerable to “debt enemies”, but they shrink when we face up to them!
5) Community
Just as your loving relationships extend to families and communities, so with money. Build it like a community – grow, invest, amass! Developing good habits of budgeting, saving and debt-reduction is the perfect start. These steps should come naturally as you become mindful with your money. Align your money goals with your life goals such as a short-term budget for travel and a longer-term plan for your home or child’s college funds.
As you become more mindful of money, it starts to work with you, in harmony with your life’s dreams, becoming your best source of support. Make money the biggest YES in your life!
I would love to hear from you! What are some ways your finances have hindered OR empowered you and your dreams? Contact me with questions and for strategies to manage your money relationship.
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