Dev Cham

/Dev Cham

About Dev Cham

High-impact leader and technology architect with 20 years of technical consulting

5 Signs That They Have a Secret Agenda

MANAGING OFFICE RELATIONSHIPS Whether we like it or not, people often have a secret agenda – and while it is not necessarily a bad thing, it is in your best interest to pay attention to your surroundings and manage your expectations accordingly, especially at work. Here are five signs that your team member has a [...]

By |January 10th, 2017|Coaching, Career, Leadership|0 Comments

5 Ways to Deal with an Irrational Person

TAKING THE HIGH ROAD Most of us have come across irrational behavior either from a family member, friend or even a co-worker. It is a behavior or response that appears to be inappropriate in the current context and the person is unwilling or unable to be reasoned with. For example, shouting outside of work and [...]

By |December 10th, 2016|Coaching, Relationship, Emotional Intelligence|0 Comments

3 Reasons Confident Women won’t Put Up with Fake People

BEING AUTHENTIC AND COURAGEOUS Just like once you’ve had the amazing version of something -- an in-season strawberry, a pair of shoes, a great book -- it’s hard to go back to the cheap knock-off, you understand the value of having powerful authentic people surround you, it is easy to pick out the fakers and [...]

By |November 10th, 2016|Coaching, Career, Leadership|0 Comments

10 Ways Confident Women Express Love

CONFIDENT, LOVE, RELATIONSHIP Truly confident, self-assured women approach life and love differently. They are not just more successful professionally, but also in their relationships and love-life. This is because they understand the value of who they are and what they have to offer in any situation.   So, let’s uncover the ten ways to love, [...]

By |October 10th, 2016|Coaching, Relationship, Women, Emotional Intelligence, Confidence|0 Comments

The Secret Sauce for Successful Leaders

LEADERSHIP QUALITIES THAT DEFINE YOU All good leaders share a few traits that may not be obvious at the onset. However, these secret tools and skills allow them to navigate difficult situations, remain consistent in the face of adversity and keep things in motion! Here’s a closer look at some of those hard-to-quantify qualities: Emotional [...]

By |September 10th, 2016|Coaching, Career, Leadership|0 Comments

What Good Leaders Know that Bad Ones Don’t

LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT YOUR PEOPLE A manager says “Go!” while a leader says “Let’s go!” A good leader knows the difference between simply managing and effective leadership. A good leader knows the value of her team and understands these three things are crucial when guiding a group to a shared vision: Engage Instead of coming [...]

By |August 10th, 2016|Coaching, Career, Leadership|0 Comments

Is This Job Still Right For Me?

STAYING OR QUITTING IS A BIG DECISION Let’s be real, when we are unhappy at work we can’t help but wonder about greener pastures. We daydream about telling our boss that we are OUT of here, and how sweet that is going to feel. Reading through job descriptions online, you start to get excited about [...]

By |July 10th, 2016|Coaching, Career, Work-Life Balance, Mindfulness|0 Comments

Can You Recover from Missing a Deadline?

NAVIGATING BACK FROM FAILURE There are so many reasons -- some of them perfectly valid -- why we miss a deadline. But guess how many of them the manager waiting for you wants to hear? Almost none! Burdened with guilt, we want to exonerate ourselves. Fuelled by shame, we turn to blame. But unfortunately offering [...]

By |July 10th, 2016|Coaching, Career, Leadership, Time-Management|0 Comments

5 Things to Get You on Track When You Feel Lost

A FEW TIPS TO HELP YOU FIND YOUR WAY BACK Feeling lost in the wilderness of life with so many decisions ahead? Here are some natural resources we all have! Find your map It helps to ground us when we remember where we started. It may be time to internally retrace your steps to find [...]

By |June 10th, 2016|Coaching, Career, Leadership, Men, Mindfulness, Time-Management|0 Comments

How Confident Women Know it’s Time to Trust their Gut about People

LEARNING TO TRUST YOUR INNER VOICE When the confident woman’s brain is overloaded with facts and data but a decision seems to be getting any clearer it may be time to trust her gut instincts! Adding to the team Hiring decisions between two equal candidates can often come down to a final “feeling” of who will [...]